Mind Spell Damage Comparison
Spell Range Damage Avg Avg/Pwr

PsiShock 400 4-10 7 3.5
Psionic Pain I 450 4-16 10 2.5
PsiShock II 400 7-21 14 2.8
Psionic Pain II 450 8-29 18.5 2.3125
PsiShock III 400 12-39 25.5 2.55
PsiShock IV 400 15-60 37.5 2.679
Electrocute I 500 18-78 48 2 2/3
Electrocute II 500 20-80 50 2.083

Avg = average damage inflicted
Avg/Pwr = average damage inflicted per point of power used to cast

All values expressed exactly if possible, or to 3 decimal places

NB - Testing with these values suggests that mind is NOT bugged as many (myself previously included) believe. Both the damage range and average damage inflicted appear to correlate to the intended values for the spells.
